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Moving our world forward by delivering what matters

Did you know: 20-30% of all online orders are returned. Flywestoast Shipping  Better and Bolder strategy centers on investing in high-growth opportunities in the best parts of the market, and the returns market is a core part of those efforts. In fact, the National Retail Federation says the total value of the returns market in 2022 was $816 billion (total value of goods).

A better way: Shoppers want simplicity, and merchants want more cost-effective solutions to handle returned items – Fly east Shipping  has them covered

Customer Review

process was simple, but did not take 5-6 business, days, more like 10 to 12 business day
Emma Toyler

Document and Parcel Shipping

Look Deep Into Nature

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Just Living Is Not Enough

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Adopt The Pace Of Nature

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